Ruling Council records - 2015
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Meeting 46 - 5th December 2015
Agenda: Act 29
Vote to pass Act 29: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Madam Winifred Hall, HG Madam Julie Foster, Lord Sir Andrew Hall, HG Sir Matthew Foster
Meeting 45 - 7th November 2015
Agenda: Decree XXXVI, Christmas celebrations, Act 28
Vote to pass Act 28: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Madam Winifred Hall, Lord Sir Andrew Hall, HG Sir Paul McKenna
Meeting 44 - 3rd October 2015
Agenda: Act 27, Financial report
Vote to pass Act 27: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Madam Julie Foster, HG Sir Paul McKenna
Meeting 43 - 5th September 2015
Agenda: Act 25, Act 26
Vote to pass Act 25: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote to pass Act 26: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Madam Winifred Hall, HG Sir Paul McKenna
Meeting 42 - 23rd August 2015
Agenda: State Opening of Council, Decree XXXV
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, Lord Sir Andrew Hall (+Sergeant-at-Arms Lord Sir David Hall)
Meeting 41 - 11th July 2015
Agenda: Act 24, Plenary
Vote to pass Act 24: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Madam Winifred Hall, HG Madam Julie Foster, Lord Sir Andrew Hall
Meeting 40 - 21st June 2015
Agenda: Act 23
Vote to pass Act 23: PASSED (9 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Madam Winifred Hall, HG Madam Julie Foster, Lord Sir Andrew Hall, HG Sir Christopher Hall, Madam Debbie Shaw (+Sergeant-at-Arms Lord Sir David Hall)
Meeting 39 - 16th May 2015
Agenda: Public spending
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Madam Winifred Hall, HG Madam Julie Foster, Lord Sir Andrew Hall (+Sergeant-at-Arms Lord David Hall)
Meeting 38 - 25th April 2015
Agenda: Decree XXXIII, Decree XXXIV
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Madam Winifred Hall, Lord Sir Andrew Hall (+ Sergeant-at-Arms Lord David Hall)
Meeting 37 - 8th March 2015
Agenda: Council procedure, Amendment to Act 21, Decree XXXII, Foundation Day
Vote for Amendment to Act 21: PASSED (7 in favour, 5 not present)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, Lord Sir Andrew Hall, HG Sir Christopher Hall, Debbie Shaw
Meeting 36 - 7th February 2015
Agenda: Act 22
Vote to pass Act 22: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Julie Foster (x2), Lord Sir Andrew Hall
Meeting 35 - 25th January 2015
Agenda: Decree XXXI, Act 21, Sergeant-at-Arms
Vote to pass Act 21: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote to appoint Lord David Hall Sergeant-at-Arms: PASSED (6 in favour, 0 abstain, 1 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Julie Foster (x2), Lord Sir Andrew Hall, HG Sir Paul McKenna