Ruling Council records - 2014
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Meeting 34 - 20th December 2014
Agenda: Mohawk Crisis, Decree XXX
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Winifred Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2), Lord Sir Andrew Hall, HG Sir Paul McKenna
Meeting 33 - 15th November 2014
Agenda: Act 20, Decree XXIX
Vote to pass Act 20: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Winifred Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2), Lord Sir Andrew Hall
Meeting 32 - 11th October 2014
Agenda: Reports, Act 19
Vote to pass Act 19: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Winifred Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2)
Meeting 31 - 28th September 2014
Agenda: Reports, Act 18, Second Amendment and National Parks proposals
Vote to pass Act 18: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attedance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Prince Jake, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Sir Paul McKenna (Julie Foster (x2) voted on Act 18 after meeting)
Meeting 30 - 17th August 2014
Agenda: Opening address, reports, Decree XXVI, Decree XXVII, Decree XXVIII
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne, HG Julie Foster (x2), 2 observers
Meeting 29 - 12th July 2014
Agenda: Reports, Amendment to Act 16, Act 17, Decree XXV, Elections
Vote to pass the Amendment to Act 16: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote to pass Act 17: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I (x2), HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne Belcher, HG Winifred Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2), 3 observers
Meeting 28 - 8th June 2014
Agenda: Reports, Public Spending, Territorial Expansion, Replacement of Infrastructure Minister
Vote to make Sir Paul McKenna Minister of Infrastructure: PASSED (8 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I (x2), HIH Prince Jake, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne Belcher, HG Julie Foster (x2), HG Winifred Hall, 3 observers
Meeting 27 - 3rd May 2014
Agenda: Reports, Act 16, Public Spending
Vote for Act 16: PASSED (9 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I (x2), HIH Prince Jake, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne Belcher, Lord Andrew Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2), 3 observers
Meeting 26 - 12th April 2014
Agenda: Foundation Day Plenary, Decree XXIII, Decree XXIV
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I (x2), HIH Prince Jake, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Winifred Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne Belcher, Lord Andrew Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2), HG Christopher Hall, Debbie Shaw, 7 observers
Meeting 25 - 8th March 2014
Agenda: Reports, Decree XXI, Decree XXII, Act 13, Act 14, Act 15
Vote for Act 13: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote for Act 14: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote for Act 15: PASSED (7 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance HIM Emperor Adam I (x2), HIH Prince Jake, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Winifred Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne Belcher, Lord Andrew Hall
Meeting 24 - 9th February 2014
Agenda: Decree XVIII, Decree XIX, Decree XX, GUM Charter ratification, Act 10, Act 11, Act 12
Vote for GUM Charter ratification: PASSED (12 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote for Act 10: PASSED (11 in favour, 1 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote for Act 11: PASSED (12 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Vote for Act 12: PASSED (12 in favour, 0 abstain, 0 oppose)
Attendance: HIM Emperor Adam I (x2), HIH Prince Jake, HIH Crown Prince Daniel, HG Sir Reginald Hall, HG Winifred Hall, HIH Emperor Mother Jayne Belcher, Lord Andrew Hall, HG Julie Foster (x2), HG Christopher Hall, Debbie Shaw, 5 observers
Meeting 23 - 4th January 2014
Agenda: Reports, appointing a noble for Myway province, discussing border control law
Vote to make C. Hall Duke of Myway: PASSED (full records lost)
Border control law: Rejected without vote
Attendance: Records lost