In the Empire of Adammia, a Province is the primary level of administrative division. There are three provinces in the Empire: Greater Tytannia, Corellia and Sheaffia.
Local government is managed by a Local Council, comprised of all the residents above the age of twelve, a form of direct democracy. Each Province also has a representative on the Ruling Council. The Local Council of the province can decide the means of selection by two-thirds majority, provided it is lawful. In the absence of any such provisions, the landed noble serves as the representative by default. The landed noble holds the title of Duke or Duchess, and is appointed for life by the Archduke or Archduchess of the region which contains the Province.
Provinces have always been a key part of Adammic politics. The term was used before any official legislation regarding administrative divisions was written, and was even mentioned during the planning stages of the Empire before it was founded - the night before the 13th of April 2013, Emperor Adam I talked about claiming his bedroom as the "capital province" of his proposed nation.