The Economic Development Agency is an agency of operated by the Ministry of Finance. It is responsible for maintaining a register of all companies operating in the Empire and handling their records, for maintaing records of employment for full citizens, and for monitoring economic activity in Adammia in general. It was created on the 4th of March 2023 by the merger of the Imperial Companies Agency and the National Employment Agency as part of the Government Ministries Act 2023. The director of the Economic Development Agency is Emperor Adam I.

Companies Register

-Capital Brewery Ltd. (state-owned)
-AB Animation Ltd. (subsidiary of Imperial Holdings)
-Adammic Online Broadcasting (state-owned)
-Adammic Express (state-owned)
-Imperial Mail (state-owned)
-Top Hat Software (subsidiary of Imperial Holdings)
-Adammic Investment Ltd. (subsidiary of Imperial Holdings)
-Imperial Holdings Ltd.
-Imperial Bank of Adammia
-Imperial Publishing House (state-owned)

Full citizens of the Empire may register a new company with the EDA through mail to its office at Asquith House, 1 Randouler Way, Turing, Lagentia LG1 001, or the standard email Remember that all companies are taxed by a percentage of their profits no greater than 25%.